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Friday, August 23, 2024

How to Deploy the Custom Web API in Azure with Dynamic365 Integration:

Certainly! Deploying a custom Web API in Azure with Dynamics 365 integration involves several steps. Let me guide you through the process:

Create Your Custom Web API:

1.       Develop your custom Web API using .NET Core or another suitable technology. This API will expose the functionality you want to integrate with Dynamics 365.

2.       Ensure that your API endpoints are well-defined and secure.

Azure Setup:

1.       Log in to the Azure portal.

2.       Create an Azure App Service to host your Web API. You can do this directly from the portal or use Visual Studio to publish your API to Azure App Service

3.       Set up Azure API Management if you want to manage and secure your API endpoints

Integration with Dynamics 365:

1.       In Dynamics 365, use the Plug-in Registration Tool to register your custom Web API as a service endpoint

2.       Provide the necessary connection strings or authentication details to link your API with Dynamics 365.

Testing and Monitoring:

·         Test your custom Web API using tools like Postman or Swagger UI.

·         Monitor your API’s performance and usage using Azure Application Insights.

Remember to secure your API endpoints, handle authentication, and follow best practices for deployment and maintenance.

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