FetchXML is a XML based query language used in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM to fetch data. FetchXML is capable of doing many things as explained below.
- Can only be used to retrieve data not able to perform CUD (Create/Update/Delete) operation.
- Can be used in JavaScript to retrieve data in client side also used in server side code to retrieve data.
- Can perform Aggregations such as Sum, Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count(*), Count(attributename).
- Supports Linked entity data retrieval with conditions, filters, GroupBy, Sorting
- Can fetch 5000 record data at a time and supports paging concept to fetch more records page by page .
- Can be saved in userquery entity as user owned view and savedquery entity as organization owned view.
- Can also be used in SSRS query in Reporting.
- Supports aliased name for attributes retrieved.
- Supports similar query capabilities as query expressions.
- Can be executed by using the RetrieveMultiple method.
- Can be downloaded/saved from Advance Find query.
Here is a list of sample FetchXML Queries given below.
Everyday we use fetchXML in development. So here i have given a list of ready-made fetchXMLs which you can use by modifying the code as per your business requirement. FetchXML query should validated by the xsd schema.
Retrieve all attributes of account entity[code lang=”xml”] |
Retrieve selected attributes of account entity[code lang=”xml”] |
Retrieve records of account entity with filter condition[code lang=”xml”] |
Retrieve contract records using linkedentity with customer using filter condition in linked entity[code lang=”xml”] |
Limit the Maximum (Lets Say 5)Number Of Records to be retrieved in contact entity.[code lang=”xml”] |
Limit the Maximum (Lets Say 5)Number Of Records to be retrieved in contact entity.[code lang=”xml”] |
Use of Inner Join in FetchXML[code lang=”xml”] |
Use of Left Outer Join in FetchXML[code lang=”xml”] |
Use Avarage Aggregate in FetchXML[code lang=”xml”] |
Count No. of records retrieved in FetchXML[code lang=”xml”] |
Using “older than” clauses for date and time values in FetchXML Query[code lang=”xml”] |
fiscal-period FetchXML Query[code lang=”xml”] |
Order by in FetchXML Query[code lang=”xml”] |
Order by in FetchXML Query[code lang=”xml”] |
List of Operators used in FetchXML are given below.
FetchXML Operator | ConditionOperator | Description |
like | BeginsWith | The string occurs at the beginning of another string. |
between | Between | The value is between two values. |
like | Contains | The string contains another string. |
not-like | DoesNotBeginWith | The string does not begin with another string. |
not-like | DoesNotContain | The string does not contain another string. |
not-like | DoesNotEndWith | The string does not end with another string. |
like | EndsWith | The string ends with another string. |
eq | Equal | The values are compared for equality. |
eq-businessid | EqualBusinessId | The value is equal to the specified business ID. |
eq-userid | EqualUserId | The value is equal to the specified user ID. |
eq-userteams | EqualUserTeams | The record is owned by teams that the user is a member of. |
ge | GreaterEqual | The value is greater than or equal to the compared value. |
gt | GreaterThan | The value is greater than the compared value. |
in | In | TheThe value exists in a list of values. |
in-fiscal-period | InFiscalPeriod | The value is within the specified fiscal period. |
in-fiscal-period-and-year | InFiscalPeriodAndYear | The value is within the specified fiscal period and year. |
in-fiscal-year | InFiscalYear | The value is within the specified year. |
in-or-after-fiscal-period-and-year | InOrAfterFiscalPeriodAndYear | The value is within or after the specified fiscal period and year. |
in-or-before-fiscal-period-and-year | InOrBeforeFiscalPeriodAndYear | The value is within or before the specified fiscal period and year. |
last-seven-days | Last7Days | The value is within the last seven days including today. |
last-fiscal-period | LastFiscalPeriod | The value is within the last fiscal period. |
last-fiscal-year | LastFiscalYear | The value is within the last fiscal year. |
last-month | LastMonth | The value is within the last month including first day of the last month and last day of the last month. |
last-week | LastWeek | The value is within the previous week including Sunday through Saturday. |
last-x-days | LastXDays | The value is within last X days. |
last-x-fiscal-periods | LastXFiscalPeriods | The value is within the last X (specified value) fiscal periods. |
last-x-fiscal-years | LastXFiscalYears | The value is within the last X (specified value) fiscal periods. |
last-x-hours | LastXHours | The value is within the last X hours. |
last-x-months | LastXMonths | The value is within the last X (specified value) months. |
last-x-weeks | LastXWeeks | The value is within the last X (specified value) weeks. |
last-x-years | LastXYears | The value is within the last X years. |
last-year | LastYear | The value is within the previous year. |
le | LessEqual | The value is less than or equal to the compared value. |
lt | LessThan | The value is less than the compared value. |
like | Like | The character string is matched to the specified pattern. |
next-seven-days | Next7Days | The value is within the next seven days. |
next-fiscal-period | NextFiscalPeriod | The value is within the next fiscal period. |
next-fiscal-year | NextFiscalYear | The value is within the next fiscal year. |
next-month | NextMonth | The value is within the next month. |
next-week | NextWeek | The value is within the next week. |
next-x-days | NextXDays | The value is within the next X (specified value) days. |
next-x-fiscal-periods | NextXFiscalPeriods | The value is within the next X (specified value) fiscal period. |
next-x-fiscal-years | NextXFiscalYears | The value is within the next X (specified value) fiscal years. |
next-x-hours | NextXHours | The value is within the next X (specified value) hours. |
next-x-months | NextXMonths | The value is within the next X (specified value) months. |
next-x-weeks | NextXWeeks | The value is within the next X weeks. |
next-x-years | NextXYears | The value is within the next X years. |
next-year | NextYear | The value is within the next year. |
not-between | NotBetween | The value is not between two values. |
ne | NotEqual | The two values are not equal. |
ne-businessid | NotEqualBusinessId | The value is not equal to the specified business ID. |
ne-userid | NotEqualUserId | The value is not equal to the specified user ID. |
not-in | NotIn | The given value is not matched to a value in a subquery or a list. |
not-like | NotLike | The character string does not match the specified pattern. |
not-null | NotNull | The value is not null. |
ne | NotOn | The value is not on the specified date. |
null | Null | The value is null. |
olderthan-x-months | OlderThanXMonths | The value is older than the specified number of months. |
on | On | The value is on a specified date. |
on-or-after | OnOrAfter | The value is on or after a specified date. |
on-or-before | OnOrBefore | The value is on or before a specified date. |
this-fiscal-period | ThisFiscalPeriod | The value is within the current fiscal period. |
this-fiscal-year | ThisFiscalYear | The value is within the current fiscal year. |
this-month | ThisMonth | The value is within the current month. |
this-week | ThisWeek | The value is within the current week. |
this-year | ThisYear | The value is within the current year. |
today | Today | The value equals today’s date. |
tomorrow | Tomorrow | The value equals tomorrow’s date. |
yesterday | Yesterday | The value equals yesterday’s date. |
List of older than clauses in a FetchXML expression
Older than X minutes |
Older than X hours |
Older than X days |
Older than X weeks |
Older than X months |
Older than X years |
How to Retrieve Data using Fetch XML in server side (Sample given below)
[code lang=”xml”]
// Retrieve all accounts owned by the user with read access rights to the accounts and
// where the last name of the user is not Cannon.
string varFetchXML = @"
<fetch mapping=’logical’>
<entity name=’account’>
<attribute name=’accountid’/>
<attribute name=’name’/>
<link-entity name=’systemuser’ to=’owninguser’>
<filter type=’and’>
<condition attribute=’lastname’ operator=’ne’ value=’Cannon’ />
</fetch> ";
EntityCollection result =
_serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(varFetchXML));
foreach (var c in result.Entities)
How to Retrieve Data using Fetch XML in client side using WebAPI(Sample given below)
[code lang=”xml”]
var fetchXml =
"<fetch version=’1.0′ output-format=’xml-platform’ mapping=’logical’ distinct=’false’>"+
"<entity name=’account’>"+
"<attribute name=’name’ />"+
"<attribute name=’primarycontactid’ />"+
"<attribute name=’telephone1′ />"+
"<attribute name=’accountid’ />"+
"<order attribute=’name’ descending=’false’ />"+
"<filter type=’and’>"+
"<condition attribute=’name’ operator=’like’ value=’C%’ />"+
var encodedFetchXml = encodeURI(fetchXml);
var queryPath = "/api/data/v8.0/accounts?fetchXml=" + encodedFetchXml;
var requestPath = Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl() + queryPath;
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open("GET", requestPath, true);
req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
req.onreadystatechange = function ()
if (this.readyState === 4)
this.onreadystatechange = null;
if (this.status === 200)
var returned = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
var results = returned.value;
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++)
var accountName = results[i]["name"];
var primaryContactId = results[i]["_primarycontactid_value"];
var telephone = results[i]["telephone1"];
var accountId = results[i]["accountid"];
//TODO: Implement logic for handling results as desired
Related Links:
Create a SSRS report using FetchXML.
Retrieve More than 5000 record using FetchXML Paging.
FetchXML V/S Query Expression
FetchXML | Query Expression |
Easy to construct FetchXML Query using out-of-the-box Advance Find visual tool | Manually need to write the code to declare objects of Query Expression, Filters, Conditions, attributes etc. |
Can be used in both client side and server side data retrieval | Can only be used in server side code data retrieval such as plugins, custom workflows, custom .net components |
Get Optionset Text Directly | NO Direct retrieval of Optionset Text without Metadata Request |
Easy to construct multiple liked entity | Complex when Multiple linked entity required |
supports Aggregation | Don’t not support Aggregation |
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