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Saturday, April 16, 2022


In Dynamics 365, you may need to display a dialog to a user in order to decide which piece of code to run next. We can do this using the command Xrm.Navigation.openConfirmDialog. Let’s look at how to do this from a model-driven Power App.

Go to the app and open the Console in your browser’s developer tools.

The function takes the following parameters:


Let’s start with a simple example.

var confirmStrings = { text:"Are you sure you want to continue?", title:"Confirm" };
Xrm.Navigation.openConfirmDialog(confirmStrings, null).then(
function (success) {    
    if (success.confirmed)
        console.log("Not OK");

In this case, we are opening a Dialog with 2 buttons, OK and Cancel:

We also have a title, Confirm, and a message “Are you sure you want to continue?”. On clicking OK:

We see the code drops into the “success.confirmed”. In a real example we would write code to do something more meaningful rather than just write out to the console:

And on clicking either Cancel or the X button, we get the “else” run:

Let’s look at the other options we can provide from the Microsoft documentation:

confirmStringsObjectYesThe strings to be used in the confirmation dialog. The object contains the following attributes:
– cancelButtonLabel: (Optional) String. The cancel button label. If you do not specify the cancel button label, Cancel is used as the button label.
– confirmButtonLabel: (Optional) String. The confirm button label. If you do not specify the confirm button label, OK is used as the button label.
– subtitle: (Optional) String. The subtitle to be displayed in the confirmation dialog.
– text: String. The message to be displayed in the confirmation dialog.
– title: (Optional) String. The title to be displayed in the confirmation dialog.
confirmOptionsObjectNoThe height and width options for confirmation dialog. The object contains the following attributes:
– height: (Optional) Number. Height of the confirmation dialog in pixels.
– width: (Optional) Number. Width of the confirmation dialog in pixels.
successCallbackfunctionNoA function to execute when the confirmation dialog is closed by clicking the confirm, cancel, or X in the top-right corner of the dialog. An object with the confirmed (Boolean) attribute is passed that indicates whether the confirm button was clicked to close the dialog.
errorCallbackfunctionNoA function to execute when the operation fails.

Let’s do another example, and change the Confirm and Cancel button text to A and B:

var confirmStrings = { text:"Press A or B to continue.", title:"Confirm", confirmButtonLabel:"A", cancelButtonLabel: "B" };
Xrm.Navigation.openConfirmDialog(confirmStrings, null).then(
function (success) {    
    if (success.confirmed)
        console.log("A pressed");
        console.log("B pressed");

Now we get A and B buttons, which we can program accordingly:

Let’s add a subtitle and change the size of the dialog.

var confirmStrings = { text:"Press A or B to continue.", title:"Confirm", confirmButtonLabel:"A", cancelButtonLabel: "B", subtitle: "This is a subtitle" };
var confirmOptions = { height: 500, width: 500 };
Xrm.Navigation.openConfirmDialog(confirmStrings, confirmOptions).then(
function (success) {    
    if (success.confirmed)
        console.log("A pressed");
        console.log("B pressed");

We can see the size has changed and we have a subtitle now as well:

There may be limitations around using this, but the functionality should be very useful if you need to use dialogs in Power Apps / D365.

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