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Sunday, October 12, 2014

SandBox Solution/WorkFlow/Sharepoint Tools /SharePoint Page Life Cycle

                                 Sandbox Solution

Sandbox solutions allow you to:

1.       Deploy custom code you have developed or downloaded from the Internet.
2.       Such custom code you deploy cannot jeopardize the stability of your farm.
3.       Solutions are being deployed via web interface.
4.       If you are running SharePoint in a hosted environment you will be deploy SandBoxed solutions there as well.
5.       **Important- VS 2010 can open the .WSP file.
6.       To upgrade Sandbox solution - Open the Existing solution(.WSP) in VS 2010 and do the modification and upload into the Site    collection Solution gallery.
7.       **Important- Cant upload the Farm solution to the Sandbox solution, It will give Partical truster caller error.

Sandbox Solutions support the following SharePoint item types:

1.       List definitions
2.       List instances
3.       Content Types/Fields
4.       Navigation
5.       Web Parts derived from WebPart
6.       Event receivers
7.       Custom Workflow Actions
8.       Workflows

Where are Assemblies in Sandboxed Solutions Deployed?

1-     The assemblies in a sandboxed solution are included in the solution package     (.wsp file), and the package is deployed to the site collection's Solutions Gallery.
 2-   When a sandboxed solution is accessed for the first time, such as when a user navigates to a page that contains a Web Part from a sandboxed solution.
3-   The default location is C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\SharePoint\UCCache;
4-   The executable of this service is SPUCHostService.exe. The server that handles the sandboxed request is not necessarily the front-end web server that is handling the initial HTTP request:
5-    Sandboxed user process (SPUCWorkerProcess.exe) cannot copy anything to the file system, the copying is done by the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Sandboxed Code Service.
10 reasons to use Sandboxed Solutions
1.       It doesn't require IIS Reset or Application Pool Recycling.
2.       Central Administration (CA) gives a way to block the sandbox solutions. In CA under System Settings you can see the “Manage User Solutions” option
3.       Sandboxed solutions are secure.
4.       Sandboxed solutions can be monitored.
5.       Sandboxed solutions do not affect other sandboxed solutions, well at least not in other site collections is what I mean.
6.       Sandboxed solutions do not touch the file system for the most part
7.       Sandboxed solutions skip application pool recycles, so debugging is not such a pain.
8.       Sandboxed solutions allow the site collection administrator to perform deployment and upgrades
9.       Sandboxed solutions make CAS policies look like the out of style hairstyles of 1980s
10.    The Solution validation framework for sandboxed solutions is extensible, simply inherit from the SPSolutionValidator base class.
11.    Sandboxed solutions remove the need for line by line code reviews
12.    Sandboxed solutions allow you to offer different level of SLAs to different site collections using Resource Quotas.
1.      You can’t access the Internet to make Web service calls,
2.       You can’t access a hard drive to read or write files,
3.       You can’t access code that is not marked to allow partially trusted callers.
4.       You also can’t deploy files to disk or add assemblies to the GAC in a sandboxed solution
5.       Security-related functionality, such as running RunWithElevatedPriviledges and other SPSecurity methods, is not allowed. 

Sandbox  Solution vs.  Form Solution:

1.  Sandboxed solutions are hosted in the SharePoint user code solution worker process      SPUCWorkerProcess.exe)
 Farm solutions are hosted in the IIS worker process (W3WP.exe)
2.  Sandboxed solutions are  specific site collection
    Farm solutions are  run at Form level
3. Mapped folders cannot be added to the project in Sand box solutions.
4. Sandbox solutions does not support
•  Visual Web Parts  
• Application Pages
• Custom Action Group
• HideCustomeActionelement
• Web Application-scoped Features.
• Farm-scoped features

• Workflow with code
                   What is a Workflow in SharePoint?

 Ø  Workflow is a serious of activities occurs in steps which will    produce   an output at the final step.
Types of Workflows:-
1.   Sequential workflow
Ø  Steps that execute in order until the completion of last activity.=
     2.   State-Machine workflow
Ø  A set of states, transitions and actions. As sequential workflows.
Ø  it does not have prescribed execution flow and need not have an end.
Default Workflow Of SharePoint various versions
v  The different types of workflow in the various versions of SharePoint present by default are listed below:
Ways for creating workflows in SharePoint

The different ways of creating the workflows in SharePoint are as follows:
    1.   In SharePoint site directly
    2.   SharePoint Designer
    3.   Microsoft Visual Studio with workflow extensions installed (WWF- Windows Workflow Foundation) – basically called custom workflows
    4.   Third party tools like K2 Black PerlNintex, etc.,

What are the pre-requisites for creating a workflow in SharePoint?
    1.  There should be a at least one list or document library to create and associate a workflow.
    2.   If you do not have a single list or document library in your site, you will be prompted for creating a list or library.
    3.   If you want your workflow to be associated with custom columns or settings in the site, then those changes should be made before you create the workflow so that it will be available in the designer.

1.      Allow the business activities to be automated, enabling actions such as document review, approval, issue tracking and signature collection.
2.     Allow the document to be routed to one person to another for approval by assigning a task to each person. This is followed by analysis, review, and approval and finally the document is published. Hence making the document management easier.
3.    Also improves the collaboration in an enterprise.

State-Machine workflows:
1-State-machine workflows are workflows which are driven by particular events. Example:
Ø  OnTaskChanged
Ø  OnTaskCreated
Ø  OnTaskDeleted
Ø  OnWorkflowActivated etc

2- A state machine workflow moves from one state to another until the logic concludes the workflow has completed.
3- Compared to Sequential workflows State machine workflows are difficult to design and maintain.
4- In order to move to another event, the workflow needs to meet another state.
5- The workflow doesn’t really have to end. It can stay in the same state for weeks.

Sequential workflows:
1- It looks very simple like flow chart.
2- Steps within the workflow execute sequentially, one after another in the particular order.
3- A sequential workflow always progresses forward, never going back to a previous step.
4- Sequential workflows are definitely much easier to design and maintain.
Out of Box Workflows:

There are 7 out of box workflows.
1. Approval
1.    Routes a document or item to a group of people for approval.
2.    By default, the Approval workflow is associated with the Document content type, and therefore it is automatically available in document libraries
3.    The Approval workflow is a staged approval model (that is, the first set of approvers can undergo the review and approval process, then the next set of approvers, and so on). Each stage or approval set can also have its own behavior. For example, members of the first group of approvers can do their review in serial approval order (one after the other), members of the second group can do their review in parallel (reviewers can provide feedback in any order), and so on.
2. Collect Feedback
1.    Routes a document or item to a group of people for feedback.
2.    Reviewers can provide feedback, which is then compiled and sent to the person who initiated the workflow.
3.    By default, the Collect Feedback workflow is associated with the Document content type, and therefore it is automatically available in document libraries.

3. Collect Signatures
1.    Routes a document that was created in a Microsoft application to a group of people to collect their digital signatures.
2.    This workflow must be started in applications in the 2007 Microsoft Office system and the Microsoft Office 2010 suites such as Microsoft Word.
3.    By default, the Collect Signatures workflow is associated with the Document content type, and therefore is automatically available in document libraries.
4.    However, the Collect Signatures workflow appears for a document in the document library only if that document contains one or more Microsoft Office Signature Lines.
4. Disposition Approval
1.    Manages document expiration and retention by letting participants to decide whether to keep or delete expired documents.
2.    The Disposition Approval workflow supports record management processes and is intended for use primarily in a Records Center site.
5. Three-State
1.    Designed to track the status of a list item through three states (phases).
2.    It can be used to manage business processes that require organizations to track a high volume of issues or items, such as customer support issues, sales leads, or project tasks.
3.    SharePoint Server 2010 creates a task for the assigned user. When the user completes the task, the workflow changes from its initial state (Active) to its middle state (Resolved) and creates a task for the assigned user. When the user completes the task, the workflow changes from its middle state (Resolved) to its final state (Closed), and creates another task for the user to whom the workflow is assigned at that time.
4.    Note that this workflow is only supported on lists, not libraries.
6. Translation Management
1.    Manages manual document translation by creating copies of the document to be translated and by assigning translation tasks to translators.
2.    This workflow is available only for Translation Management libraries.
7. Issue Tracking
 Routes an issue to team members for resolution. It presents a Web page to the user who makes possible the entry of new issues.
 Ex: customer complaints.
As an issue progresses though different workflow states, the Web page of the user changes to reflect appropriate events; for example, a Web page that was closed when an issue is resolved.

Note:(Important )
1.    Before using out of box workflows you need to activate SharePoint 2007 workflow feature.
2.    All Out of Box workflows are sequential workflows only.
3.    Can we design workflows using SharePoint designer?
4.    Yes. We can design Sequential Workflows only. We can’t design State machine workflows.
5.    State machine workflows can be designed by using visual studio.
you can design List Workflows, Reusable List Workflows and Site workflows using SharePoint designer 2010.

.NET Framework provides two methods Finalize and Dispose for releasing unmanaged resources like files, database connections, COM etc.
1.    Used to free unmanaged resources like files, database connections, COM etc. held by an object before that object is destroyed.
2.    Internally, it is called by Garbage Collector and cannot be called by user code.
3.    It belongs to Object class.
4.    There is performance costs associated with Finalize method.

1.    It is used to free unmanaged resources like files, database connections, COM etc. at any time.
2.    Explicitly, it is called by user code and the class implementing dispose method must implement IDisposable interface.
3.    It belongs to IDisposable interface.
4.    There is no performance costs associated with Dispose method.

Stages of the ASP.NET application life cycle (IIS 7.0):
1-Request is made for an application resource: 
These stages are represented by the RequestNotification enumeration. All requests can be configured to take advantage of ASP.NET functionality,
2-The unified pipeline receives the first request for the application:
1.    When the unified pipeline receives the first request for any resource in an application, an instance of the ApplicationManager class is created, which is the application domain that the request is processed in. Application domains provide isolation between applications for global variables and enable each application to be unloaded separately.
2.    In the application domain, an instance of the HostingEnvironment class is created, which provides access to information about the application, such as the name of the folder where the application is stored. During the first request, top-level items in the application are compiled if required, which includes application code in the App_Code folder.
3-Response objects are created for each request: 
After the application domain has been created and the HostingEnvironment object has been instantiated, application objects such as HttpContextHttpRequest, and HttpResponse are created and initialized.
4-An HttpApplication object is assigned to the request: 
1.    After all application objects have been initialized, the application is started by creating an instance of the HttpApplication class.
2.    If the application has a Global.asax file, ASP.NET instead creates an instance of the Global.asax class that is derived from the HttpApplication class. It then uses the derived class to represent the application.
3.    Which ASP.NET modules are loaded (such as the SessionStateModule) depends on the managed-code modules that the application inherits from a parent application. It also depends on which modules are configured in the configuration section of the application's Web.config file. Modules are added or removed in the application's Web.config modules element in the system.webServer section.
5-The request is processed by the HttpApplication pipeline:
 At this stage the request are processed and various events are called like ValidateRequest, URL Mapping, BeginRequest, AuthenticateRequest and so on.
Stages of the Sharepoint Page Request
1.    When you create a web application in sharepoint, WSS configures the IIS website by adding an IIS application map and creating several virtual directories. Windows SharePoint Services also copies a global.asax file and web.config file to the root directory of the hosting IIS Web site.Because every request targeting a Web application is routed through aspnet_isapi.dll, the request gets fully initialized with ASP.NET context. Furthermore, its processing behavior can be controlled by using a custom HttpApplication object and adding configuration elements to the web.config file.
2.    First, you can see that Windows SharePoint Services configures each Web application with a custom HttpApplication object by using the SPHttpApplication class. Note that this class is deployed in the Windows SharePoint Services system assembly Microsoft.SharePoint.dll.
3.    In addition to including a custom HttpApplication object, the Windows SharePoint Services architecture uses a custom HttpHandler(SPHttpHandler) and a custom HttpModule(SPRequestModule). These two SharePoint-specific components are integrated into the HTTP Request Pipeline for a Web application using standard entries in the web.config file.

      <remove verb="GET,HEAD,POST" path="*" />
      <add verb="GET,HEAD,POST" path="*"
          type="Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationRuntime.SPHttpHandler,..." />
      <clear />
      <add name="SPRequest" 
      <!-- other standard ASP.NET httpModules added back in -->


4. ASP.NET 2.0 introduced a new pluggable component type known as a virtual path provider. The idea behind a virtual path provider is that it abstracts the details of where page files are stored away from the ASP.NET runtime. By creating a custom virtual path provider, a developer can write a custom component that retrieves ASP.NET file types, such as .aspx and .master files, from a remote location, such as a Microsoft SQL Server database.
5. The Windows SharePoint Services team created a virtual path provider named SPVirtualPathProvider that is integrated into every Web application. The SPVirtualPathProvider class is integrated into the ASP.NET request handling infrastructure by the SPRequestModule. More specifically, the SPRequestModule component contains code to register the SPVirtualPathProvider class with the ASP.NET Framework as it does its work to initialize a Web application.
ASP.Net Page life cycle.
 Event Handling
Sharepoint page life cycle:-
Sharepoint also having virtual directry which has same HTTP Handler HTTP Modules so that one usually thinks that life cycle is same as ASP.NET Page Life Cycle but it's not. Here is SharePoint 2007 Page Life Cycle
1.    User request the SharePoint Page using http
2.    ASP.NET calls the WSS File provider
3.    WSS file provider returns the page from File or Database
4.    Page is parsed by SafeMode parsor if required
5.    Returned page is compiled by ASP.NET Compiler
6.    WSS File provider collects the page layout class and complies it
7.    ASP.NET engine adds SharePoint Context Data to the site meta data and retrieves the associated master page.
8.    Master page got compiled and responded back to the user.
Webpart page life cycle:-
1.    OnInit – Configuration values set using WebBrowsable properties and those in web part task pane are loaded into the web part.
2.    LoadViewState – The view state of the web part is populated over here.
3.    CreateChildControls – All the controls specified are created and added to controls collection. When the page is being rendered for the first time the method generally occurs after the OnLoad() event. In case of
4.    postback, it is called before the OnLoad() event. We can make use of EnsureChildControls() - It checks to see if the CreateChildControls method has yet been called, and if it has not, calls it.
5.    OnLoad
6.    User Generated Event – for e.g. button click on the web part.
7.    OnPreRender – Here we can change any of the web part properties before the control output is drawn.
8.    RenderContents – Html Output is generated.
9.    SaveViewState - View state of the web part is serialized and saved.
10. Dispose   11 .UnLoad.
The Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls namespace of the Microsoft.SharePoint.dll contains a number of validation controls that can be used on application pages and web parts to validate user entry in the SharePoint controls.
 1-Rich Text Box:
<%@ Register Tagprefix="SharePoint" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls" Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" %>
<SharePoint:InputFormTextBox  TextMode="MultiLine" runat="server" ID="rtct"  RichTextMode="FullHtml" RichText="true"></SharePoint:InputFormTextBox>
1.    The SPGridView is similar to the asp GridView. 
2.    The SPGridView is derived from the aspGridView and has additional functionality. 
3.    The SPGridView does not support the property AutoGenerateColumns,
4.    You must specify each SPBoundField.
Example: SPBoundFields such as "BoundField" are used to display datasource columns. 

1.    Don't use DataKeyName on the SPDataGrid, it causes the error "Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int32' to type 'System.String'.".
2.    SPDataGrid error 'Unable to cast object of type int32 - SPDataGrid.NewPageIndex property and DataKeyNames
3.    Populating the SPGridView Control with an ADO.NET DataTable
4.    One advantage of using the SPGridView control in SharePoint-based solutions is that it has been integrated with the cascading style sheets that are built into Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.
3-People Picker
Display users from people/Group field to People Picker Control
4-Validation controls:

1.    InputFormRequiredFieldValidator
2.    InputFormRangeValidator
3.    InputFormCompareValidator
4.    InputFormRegularExpressionValidator
5.    InputFormCheckBoxListValidator
6.    InputFormCustomValidator
 <spuc:InputFormRequiredFieldValidator ID="UserNameValidator" runat="server" Display="Dynamic" SetFocusOnError="true"
ControlToValidate="CompanyNameTextBox" BreakBefore="true" ErrorMessage="The company name is required" />
5-Input Controls:-
            Text Box
            Check Box
Notice there are two InputFormTextBoxes shown here. One with the RichTexT property set to true and the other set to false. So with a simple property change you can get the nicely and shiny FullHTML textbox.

<SharePoint:InputFormTextBox ID="ApproveMailSubject" RichText="false" runat="server" Width="100%"/>
<SharePoint:InputFormTextBox ID="ApproveMailContent" RichText="true"

9-ToolBar & ToolBarButton
To use the ToolBar in your WebPart you can load the UserControls and reference them using this:
10- SharePoint Choice Field
Get value collection of a SharePoint Choice Field

public static List<string> GetChoiceFieldValues(string listName,string fieldName, string siteCollection, string webSite)
            List<string> fieldList;
            SPSite spSite = null;
            SPWeb spWeb = null;
                if (siteCollection != null)
                    spSite = new SPSite(siteCollection);
                    spSite = SPContext.Current.Site;
                if (webSite != null)
                    spWeb = spSite.OpenWeb(webSite);
                    spWeb = spSite.OpenWeb();
                SPList spList = spWeb.Lists[listName];
                SPFieldChoice field = (SPFieldChoice)spList.Fields[fieldName];
                fieldList = new List<string>();
                foreach (string str in field.Choices)
            catch (Exception ex)
                if(spWeb != null)
                if(spSite != null)
            return fieldList;

1.    Server Side Object Model
2.    Client Object Model
3.    REST/OData API
4.   SharePoint Web Services

                            1.Server Side Object Model
1.     Full trust code using C# or VB.Net
2.    We will use this option most of the times for on-prem SharePoint projects. Since the code will run in the SharePoint server itself. All your code bits will be deployed in SharePoint Server
3.    You need add below dlls to develop SharePoint farm solutions
4.   You need to add below name space while developing SharePoint solutions(Farm solutions)

Some of the class names:

Under: -Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration
Under: -Microsoft.SharePoint
  -SPSite (To access SharePoint sites. Ex:SPSite.RootWeb() will return root site of site collection)
  -SPWeb  (To access all List and Libraries.Ex: SPWeb.Lists; will return all list objects) 
  -SPList (To access list fields, items..)

                                            2.Client Object Model
1.    .Net client side object model (CSOM). Using C# or VB.Net
  You need to add:
2.     JavaScript Object Model (JSOM). Using javascript, jQuery
  You need to add:SP.js and SP.Runtime.js
3.    SilverLight Object Model
            You need to add:

CSOM -Will be used in on-prem environment or SharePoint App Development(Provider hosted app). We can't use SPO.
JSOM -Will be used in all environments. On-prem or SPO.

Libraries Of Client Side Model 

Managed Object Model
ISAPI folder
Silverlight client object model
LAYOUTS\ClientBin folder
JavaScript client object model
LAYOUTS folder

Each client object model interacts with SharePoint through a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

service named Client.svc, which is located in the ISAPI directory. Every request sent as a single Extensible Markup Language (XML) request to the Client.svc service. The results of the server-side calls are then sent back to the calling client in the form of a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) object.

Server object model
Managed Model
Silverlight Model
Javascript Model

The Client OM send request as an XML format and server will return a JSON (java script Object Notation) which is converted into the appropriate Object Model.How Client Object Model Work?

1.   Client object model is basically a WCF Web Service which is responsible for communication between client Object Model and Share Point Data. Client.svc is located along with all other SharePoint Web Services. The response from Client.svc Web Service is sent as JSON format.
2.   Client.SVC service has one method (ProcessQuery ) which takes SteramObject ProcessQuery method found in Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ServerRuntime.dll and private c'ilass ClientRequestServiceImpl
Location of client.svc service: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\ISAPI\Client.SVC
Why We Use Client Object Model?

1. Share Point installation is not required on development machine. If you want to develop a window application or any other application, you only require dll’s.
2. Client Object Model is user-friendly as it poses less deployment problems.
3. Flexibility in language: You can use any of the three different languages for Client Object Model
                   Microsoft .NET
                   ECMA Script (JavaScript /JScript)
4. Optimization in query speed: In Client OM, you do not need to install the SharePoint Server which is required by the Server Object Model. Thus, Client OM provides much ease to the end user.

                                  3.REST/OData API
 -URL based api
 -REST: Representational state transfer
 -URL based protocol
 -Technology and platform independent

                                   4.SharePoint Web Services
SharePoint has provided some web services to access SharePoint data, we can use that services in client application.

Comparison between Server-side object model/Client object model/REST API(s) and Decision Matrix on what to use when

Server-Side Object Model
Client Object Model
·         Most extensive set of options to customize SharePoint 2010
·         Any Components consuming server-side object model needs to be deployed on the server
·         Slower Performance than Client OM and REST API(s)
·         Synchronous
·         Documentation:
·         Client OM APIs are wrappers around a custom Web service that calls the server-side object model.
·         Better Performance than server-side OM
·         Asynchronous
·         Execute calls in a batch of commands
·         Limited options/types as compare to server-side OM
·         Designed to be used in the remote client –side components
·         Documentation:
·         Limited set of REST interfaces
·         Supports JSON(JavaScript Object Notation),Atom and AtomPub standards
·         Based on ADO.NET Data Services
·         Eliminated the need for intermediate layers between client and server by mapping  Read, create, update, and delete operations directly to GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE HTTP verbs
·         Interoperable
·         Documentation:

ECMAScript Client Object Model
The JavaScript client object model consists of several JS files that are all installed into the LAYOUTS folder under the path %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS:

•  SP.js/SP.debug.js
•  SP.Core.js/SP.Core.debug.js
•  SP.Runtime.js/SP.Runtime.debug.js
•  SP.Ribbon.js/SP.Ribbon.debug.js
•  JsGrid.js/JsGrid.debug.js
•  JSGrid.Gantt.js/JSGrid.Gantt.debug.js

Advantages and Disadvantages of Client Object Model

I have been implementing Client Object Model (COM) extensively in Silverlight as well as in ECMAScript. I have failed many times in accomplishing certain tasks and succeeded many times too. You may love or hate COM but you cannot ignore it if you are a SharePoint 2010 developer.
So, I’m going to list out the advantages and disadvantages of COM that I have been facing while implementing it. Let us look at the advantages first.
  1. As mentioned everywhere using COM we can access the SharePoint data from the client side browser itself with Silverlight and ECMAScript applications.
  2. Web parts with very rich user interface can be developed with the help of Silverlight and jQuery. For example, we can create web parts like video and image galleries with beautiful animations where the videos and the images can be stored in the SharePoint libraries and retrieved using COM.
  3. COM along with JavaScript or jQuery can be implemented with just a Content Editor Web part within the browser or from the SharePoint designer without opening the Visual Studio. You can read about it here on how to do that.
  4. When we save your site as a template. The application developed with ECMAScript or Silverlight application implemented with Client Object Model would come along with the template which would be very helpful during migrations though we need to take care of any hard coded values.
  5. No IISREST is required while deploying a Silverlight or an ECMAScript application implemented with COM.
  6. We can have SharePoint accessed from the client desktop using Windows forms or WPF applications implemented with COM. We can develop desktop gadget kind of applications which would be displaying the new announcements added to the “Announcements” list.
  7. No SharePoint installation is required in the development machine. Only the dll’s are required if you are going to develop Silverlight applications.
  1. We cannot elevate the privilege or Impersonate in COM as in Server Object Model. That is, we cannot use the RunWithElevatedPrivilege kind of a delegate. Therefore, the results retrieved using COM will always be security trimmed by default.
  2. The range of classes available to access SharePoint data is very limited in COM. For example, we do not have Classes for accessing User Profiles. We need to go for SharePoint web services.
  3. We cannot access the objects of another site collection in COM while implementing in Silverlight or in ECMAScript. We will get “The security validation for this page is invalid.” if we try to do so. So, we cannot develop applications to read the data from another site collection.
  4. Silverlight web parts fail to load by giving an error message saying Could not download the Silverlight application or the Silverlight Plugin did not load. To re-configure the Web Part or to provide a different Silverlight application (.xap), open the tool pane and then click Configure.” when it takes more than 5 seconds to load.
  5. We cannot retrieve recurring events from a SharePoint calendar list in Client Object Model.
Example of Client Object Model

//Method Add items into list
private void AddNewListItem()
var: clientContext = new ClientContext(“your site URL/”);var :list = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(“ListName”);
var: param = new ListItemCreationInformation();
var :newItem = list.AddItem(param);
"Title"] = “This my new announcement”;
"Body"] = “This is the body of announcement”;

Some  code sample:

//Server Object Model

SPSite siteCollection = SPContext.Current.Site;
string siteCollectionURL= siteCollection.Url;
//Managed Client Object Model
using (ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext("Site URL"))
Site siteCollection = clientContext.Site;
string siteCollectionURL = siteCollection.Url;

//Silverlight Client Object Model
using (ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext("Site URL"))
Site siteCollection = clientContext.Site;
string siteCollectionURL = siteCollection.Url;

//JavaScript Client Object Model
var siteCollection;
function getSiteCollection
var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext("/");
siteCollection = clientContext.get_site;
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(success, failure);
function success {
string siteCollectionURL = siteCollection.get_url;
function failure {

How To Use Code  
1. Code snippets for How to Load List and List items:
public void LoadList()
            using (SP.ClientContext ctx = new SP.ClientContext("SharePointSiteURL"))
                var web = ctx.Web;

               // Let's only work with the specific List object and save resources
                // by not fetching any other objects
                var list = ctx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("ListName");

                // Load only the list variable and execute the query

                SP.CamlQuery camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
                 camlQuery.ViewXml =
                                  <FieldRef Name='Name'/>
                                  <Value Type='Text'>Shailesh</Value>
                SP.ListItemCollection listItems = list.GetItems(camlQuery);

                //Now you can iterate listitems collection and can get listitems using foreach loop

                foreach (SP.ListItem listItem in listItems)
                            //you can get value of list column from listitem as follow:
  2. Code snippets for How to insert  List items to a List:
public void SaveListItem()
            using (SP.ClientContext ctx = new SP.ClientContext("SharePointSiteURL"))
                var web = ctx.Web;
                var list = ctx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("ListName");
                SP.ListItemCreationInformation itemCreateInfo = new SP.ListItemCreationInformation();
                SP.ListItem listItem = list.AddItem(itemCreateInfo);
                listItem["Name"] = "Shailesh";
                listItem["Surname"] = "Soni";
  3. Code snippets for update List items in List:
Public  void UpdateListItem()
            using (SP.ClientContext ctx = new SP.ClientContext("SharePointSiteURL"))
                var web = ctx.Web;

               // Let's only work with the specific List object and save resources
                // by not fetching any other objects
                var list = ctx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("ListName");

                // Load only the list variable and execute the query

                SP.CamlQuery camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
                 camlQuery.ViewXml =
                                  <FieldRef Name='Name'/>
                                  <Value Type='Text'>Shailesh</Value>
                SP.ListItemCollection listItems = list.GetItems(camlQuery);

                //Now you can iterate listitems collection and can get listitems using foreach loop

                foreach (SP.ListItem listItem in listItems)
                             listitem["Address"] = “blah blah blah”;
  4. Code snippets for delete List items in List:
Public  void DeleteListItem()
            using (SP.ClientContext ctx = new SP.ClientContext("SharePointSiteURL"))
                var web = ctx.Web;

               // Let's only work with the specific List object and save resources
                // by not fetching any other objects
                var list = ctx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("ListName");

                // Load only the list variable and execute the query

                SP.CamlQuery camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
                 camlQuery.ViewXml =
                                  <FieldRef Name='Name'/>
                                  <Value Type='Text'>Shailesh</Value>
                SP.ListItemCollection listItems = list.GetItems(camlQuery);

                //Now you can iterate listitems collection and can get listitems using foreach loop
                foreach (SP.ListItem listItem in listItems)

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