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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Difference Between ES6 vs ES5

Both ES5 vs ES6 have some similarities in nature but at the same point in time, there are also many difference between ES6 and ES5. Here, we will be going to have a detailed discussion on ES6 vs ES5.
The full form of ES is ECMA Script which is basically a trademarked scripting language defined by ECMA International. This is mainly used for client-side scripting on the World Wide Web. The first edition of the ECMA Script was published in June 1997.
ES6 Features:
1.    Arrows: These are a function which is described by the ‘=>’ syntax
2.    Objects: Object literals are used to support the prototype assignments.
3.    Classes: ES6 classes can be easily implemented over the prototype based object oriented pattern
4.    Destructing: It allows binding pattern which is based primarily on the pattern matching.
5.    String interpolation
6.    Default
7.    Spread
8.    Module Loaders
9.    Weak set
10. Map
11. New Library
12. Promises
13. Proxies
The fifth edition of the ECMA Script is known as ES5 and ECMA Script 2009. The ES5 includes the following important features:
ES5 Features:
1.Strict Mode: It basically helps javascript languages to perform more efficiently by applying more checks and cleaning a few existing features
2.Accessors: It allows users to implement the getting and setting of properties by using methods.
3.Syntactical changes:
1.    Trailing Commas
2.    Multiline string literals
3.    Property keys using reserved words
4. Additional features: There are few additional new features have been introduced in case ES5.

A .Metaprogramming:
Different prototypes are used for the same
1.    Object.getPrototypeOf()
2.    Object.create()
3.    Object.defineProperty()
4.    Object.keys()
5.    Object.seal()
6.    Object.freeze() etc.
B .New Methods:
1.    String.prototype.trim()
2.    Array.isArray()
3.    Array.prototype.indexOf()
c. Usage of Bracket Operator
d. JSON:
1.    JSON.parse()
2.    JSON.stringify()
e. Built-in objects that are specific to JSON:
1.    Boolean.prototype.toJSON()
2.    Number.prototype.toJSON()
3.    String.prototype.toJSON()
Like two sides of a coin, both ES6 vs ES5 has few pros and cons.
ES6 Pros:
1.    The tail call optimization feature has been enabled in case of ES6 implementation
2.    In case of ES6, function keyword need not be used to define the function and the return keyword can be also avoided to fetch the computed value
3.    String templates and handle interpolation can be used in a more matured way while implementing the scripts using this language.
4.    Shorthand syntax for object literals can be used with this scripting language
5.    Using this version, the core codes can be represented in a cleaner syntactical way
ES6 Cons:
1.    For the support and networking perspective, it lacks a little bit while compared to that of ES5.
2.    From the browser support and runtime comparison perspective, sometimes it lacs a little bit while undergoing through heavy object loads
3.    It sometimes creates a little confusion over the best and standard coding practices
4.    From the learning perspective, it may appear a little bit tricky while compared to the normal java scripts.
ES5 Pros:
1.    Using ES5, a user would be able to implement the property access arrays [] features on strings
2.    Reserved words can use as property names
3.    It supports and process implementation of multiline string literals
4.    Using this version, the core codes can be represented in a cleaner syntactical way
5.    All the functions and its corresponding usage can be clearly described with this version
ES5 Cons:
1.    The new features that have been implemented in ES6 are mostly not present in ES5
2.    It sometimes creates a little confusion over the best and standard coding practices
3.    From the learning perspective, it may appear a little bit tricky while compared to the normal java scripts

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