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Thursday, August 21, 2014

SharePoint Questions


  1. Webparts in SharePoint?
  2. Difference between .webparts and .dwp?
  3. Difference between webparts and SharePoint webparts?
  4. Webpart life cycle?
  5. Difference web parts visual web parts and traditional web part?
  6. Webpart maintenance page?
  7. Main webpart base classes?
  8. A Web Part or Web Form Control on this Page cannot be displayed or imported. The type is not registered as safe.”
  9. How to ensure user controls (.ascx) in webpart. I mean in which method the user controls defines?
  10. Out of box web parts in SharePoint?
  11. Add Web Part inside a Master Page in SharePoint 2010?
  12. Migrate webparts that are developed in SharePoint 2007 into SharePoint 2010?
  13. Difference between user control and webpart?
  14. Connectable webparts in SharePoint?
  15. I have created one webpart and added that in a page. Because of that webpart I am not able to open my page. So I want to delete that webpart from the page. How can I delete it?


  1. Event Receivers and types of event receivers?
  2. Best coding practice on event receivers?
  3. Use of DisableEventFiring() and EnableEventFiring()?
  4. BeforePropeties and AfterProperties?
  5. What all are Event receivers features introduced in SharePoint 2010?
  6. What are all new Event Receivers introduced in SharePoint 2010?
  7. Difference between event receivers and workflows?
  8. How to add an event receiver to the specific list programmatically?
  9. How to add an event receiver to the specific content type programmatically?
  10. How to add an event receiver to the content type using feature.xml file?
  11. The ItemUpdating event or the ItemUpdated event occurs two times when you enable the Require Check Out option for a document library in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0?
  12. Event Receivers with custom error page?
  13. I have one requirement, i.e. is there is one list name “Student Marks” and fields has English, Hindi, Telugu, Total, AVG. Total=English+Hindi+Telugu. The total field should be update automatically if I update any of the language marks. But here the actual problem is if you are updating two fields at a time the ItemUpdating event fires 2times. But I don’t want to fire twice. How?
  14. I have one document library and I want to allow only specific extension files (like .doc, .pdf etc.) into that document library? How can I prevent it?
  15. Why can't we use spcontext in event receivers? 
  16. Error occurred in deployment step 'Recycle IIS Application Pool': The vssphost4.exe process was unable to start due to an unknown error? 
  1. Difference between Application pages and site pages?
  2. Availability of site pages and application pages and when can we use it?
  3. Handling code techniques to the application pages and site pages?
  4. From which class both the application pages and site pages will inherit?
  5. How to create an application pages and site pages?
  6. Difference between ghosting and unghosting?
  7. What all are new features implemented in both the Site/Application pages in SharePoint 2010 compared over to SharePoint 2007?
  8. What are all the minimum permissions do we need to access and deploy the site pages and application pages?
  9. Why can’t we deploy application pages using sandbox solution?
  10. What are all content pages?
  11. Why SafeModeParser?
  12. Difference between and safe mode parser?
  13. Is it possible to implement inline code, code- behind techniques to the both application pages and site pages if not tell me why?
  14. Can we add web parts to the both application pages and site pages?
  15. What is a page layout?
  16. Difference between master pages and page layouts?
  17. Is it possible to add the webparts to the page layouts?
  18. By default which page layouts all the pages are created?
  19. When will we use applications pages and site pages?
  20. How to set master page to the both application pages and SharePoint pages?
  21. How to deploy application pages and site pages using sandbox/Farm solutions?
  22. Difference between publishing pages, wiki pages and webpart pages?
  23. Is it possible to add webparts to the wiki pages?
  24. Is it possible to add webparts to the application pages, site pages?
  25. Is it possible to create/edit the application pages using SharePoint designer?
  26. What level of permissions do we need to get the access on both application pages, site pages?
  27. Can we access the application and site pages with read-only permissions?

SPSiteDataQuery & SPQuery

  1. What are SPQuery and SPSiteDataQuery?
  2. SPSiteDataQuery properties?
  3. Difference between SPQuery and SPSiteDataQuery?
  4. What are the limitations of both?
  5. How the SPQuery and SPSiteDataQuery return?
  6. How to set the row limit to the both?
  7. Searching scope levels of SPQuery and SPSiteDataQuery?
  8. What is the max limit of querying the lists using SPSiteDataQuery?
  9. Is it possible to query the records across the site collection level using SPSiteDataQuery?
  10. What is the default row limit value for the SPQuery?
  11. SPQuery.RowLimit Property?
  12. To Query all Web sites in this site collection?
  13. How to query the specific lists only using SPSiteDataQuery?
  14. Difference between Caml and Linq queries?
  15. How to set the Max lists limit?
  16. what all are Errors you faced while working on SPSiteDataQuery?
  17. I have created a custom list called “Employees” in all the sites in a site collection and have added the data in all the lists. Now I want to query those specific lists only. What is the approach?
  18. How can consider hidden lists also in SPSiteDataQuery?

Content database

  1. What is mean by content database?
  2. What is the max recommended SharePoint content database size?
  3. Why my Content Databases are named WSS_Content_<Guid>?
  4. Difference between configuration database and content database?
  5. Can we restore the content database to the existing web application using central administration?         
  6. How to add content database to the web application?
  7. How to delete the content database from the web application?
  8. How to move Site Collections between Content Databases?
  9. How can I check my content database size?
  10. How can we attach more than one content database to a single web application?
  11. Is it possible to have multiple content databases for a single Site Collection.?
  12. How to get site collection list per content database?
  13. How to change the existing database name using central administration?
  14. How to monitor the content database size?


  1. What is master page and use of it?
  2. Types of master pages in SharePoint?
  3. Is any improvements in SharePoint 2010 masterpage when compared to SharePoint 2007?
  4. Difference between master pages and SharePoint master pages?
  5. How to set our custom master page as default master page programmatically?
  6. How to configure user controls(.ascx) in master pages?
  7. How to add webparts to the master pages?
  8. Can I use .Net master pages into SharePoint directly?
  9. How to configure the images, css, style sheets in master pages?
  10. What is delegate control and use of it in SharePoint master pages?
  11. What are all types of delegate controls in master pages?
  12. What all are contentplaceholders in master pages?
  13. I have developed one custom master page and I want to set my custom master page as default master for every newly site collections, site, web etc.?
  14. Difference between SharePoint foundation master pages and SharePoint server master pages?
  15. How to set the custom master as default master to the site in both SharePoint foundation 2010 and SharePoint server2010?
  16. How to set the same masterpage to the child sites in both SharePoint foundation 2010 and SharePoint server2010?
  17. How to hide the “Home” tab(means first node on topNavBar) in master page 2010?
  18. Difference between deploying masterpage using farm solution and sandbox solution?
  19. Can we deploy published site master page into SharePoint foundation sites?
  20. Masterpage and page layouts options missing in the left navigation in SharePoint designer2010?
  21. Event receivers with custom application pages in SharePoint 2010?
  22. What’s the difference between MasterPageFile and DynamicMasterPageFile?
  23. What is the difference between deploying custom master pages either using sandbox and farm solution?   

Sonata SharePoint Interview Questions

  1. What do you mean by extending web application?
  2. Use of SSP
  3. WebPart deployments other than solution packaging. Tell something about different package methods.
  4. What is the use of Features?
  5. How do you embed .js files in WebPart
  6. How do you attach external .js file in SharePoint
  7. webusercontrol - how do you put in custom WebPart
  8. Difference site pages/ application pages
  9. How you create master pages(different methods)
  10. How you deploy master pages.
  11. How you configure audience.. all methods
  12. WebPart lifecycle
  13. Different scopes for features
  14. What is farm(SharePoint hosted on multiple machines that behave as a single instance)
  15. Dispose() method in WebPart life cycle
  16. Custom list/ Document library differences
  17. Can you create folders in custom list?
  18. SP designer workflow procedure. tell all steps
  19. Out of the box web parts available in SharePoint
  20. Difference Content query WebPart / Content editor WebPart
  21. Data View WebPart
  22. Master page - default content placeholders
  23. WSS design placeholder. Its use
  24. Namespaces and  classes in object model
  25. How do you create sub sites in object model
  26. Different types of events.
  27. Event receivers and their methods
  28. KPI list WebPart
  29. Approval workflow

TCS SharePoint Interview Questions:

  1.  How to perform unit testing?
  2. How to display particular sever control in master page and also that control should be display for the admin only?
  3. I deployed the features at the site collection level. It will store in site collection folder. How can I hide the deployed "feature" from the site collection feature level?
  4. In WSPBUilder, what is the use of manifest.xml file?
  5. List definitions means?
  6. Page viewer webpart and dataview webpart?
  7. CAS in sharepoint?
  8. How to increase thedll’s trust levels that are placed inside \bin folder. One way is increase the turst level “minimal” to medium”. Can you explain onther way also?
  9. Is it possible to maintain same content DB for more than one web applications?
  10. How to access the outside users without having credentials?
  11. Single sign on means?
  12. I have 2 features. If I activate the one feature, another feature has to activate automatically?
  13. Which of one best: user control or web parts?

TCS and HCL SharePoint Interview Questions:

  1.  Connectable WebPart procedure
  2.  Content Retention
  3.  Document Library - how to set word template as default.
  4.  Site Variations(Ans:-Different languages support)
  5.  SharePoint architecture
  6.  LDAP services (Light Weight Directory Access Protocol).
  7.  Single sign on
  8.  About Administration work
  9.  Moss page life cycle
  10.  How to deploy webparts using sharepoint designer?
  11.  What does mean by group policies in sharepoint?
  12.  I want to delete one item in a list at a particular date and time? Which is the best approach to do it?
  13. How to add dropdown control in master page. And how to add content to that drop down menu control (the data is coming from backend database).
  14.  How to perform unit testing?
  15. How to display particular sever control in master page and also that control should be display for the admin only?
  16.  I deployed the features at the site collection level. It will store in site collection folder. How can I hide the deployed "feature" from the site collection feature level?
  17. In WSPBUilder, what is the use of manifest.xml file?
  18. List definitions means?
  19. Page viewer webpart and dataview webpart?
  20. CAS in sharepoint?
  21. How to increase thedll’s trust levels that are placed inside \bin folder. One way is increase the turst level “minimal” to medium”. Can you explain onther way also?

Ramp InfoTech Groups

  1.  List content type and site content type means?
  2. I created one custom Webpart. Now my custom Webpart should display whenever I create a new site.
  3. Difference between solutions and features?
  4. What kind of permission levels need to run the stsadm cmd tool?
  5. How to deploy only .doc files to document library by using event receivers?
  6. Alternative mapping means?
  7. How can you upload collection of documents by using SharePoint object model?
  8. I created one custom Webpart? Now I want deploy it to specific sub site. How can do it?

Intelligroup SharePoint Interview Questions

  1.  What is correlation token?
  2. Explain me the steps how you designed sequential workflow?
  3. How do you integrate workflow to SharePoint?
  4. What is content type?
  5. What is site column?
  6. What is difference between site column and list column?
  7. I have created one site column in parent site will it appear in sub site and vice versa?
  8. What is application pooling?
  9. How do you add item to list?
  10. What is web.allowunsafeupdates?
  11. What is the internal name of the Created By field in list?
  12. What is spsecurity.runwithelevatedprevileges?
  13. How do you update the current user name in Created By/ Modified By field?
  14. Did u develop any custom web parts? Then how?
  15. What are the permission levels in SharePoint?
  16. Can we create our own custom permission levels?
  17. Can we create more than one site collection under one web application?
  18. Can we create windows and form based authentication for the same site?
  19. What is the difference b/w ToString () and convert.Tostring ()?
  20. Can we have nested try blocks and catches?
  21. What is the use of finally block?
  22. Can we use try catch in catch block?
  23. What is the diff b/w stored procedure and function?
  24. What is the diff b/w unique and identity column?
  25. What is indexing? How many types? Which one is best?
  26. How many clustered / non clustered indexes we can create per table?
  27. What is the difference b/w master page and page layout?

Aditi Technologies SharePoint Interview Questions

 Technical Interview:

1)      What is the difference between webfeature and sitefeature template in onet.xml
2)      How to set the master page at the side definition level?
3)      If you can add feature “id” to onet.xml, what will it happens (means feature is installed or activated if you create a new site by using custom site definition).
4)      Use of “configurations” in onet.xml and webtemp.xml?
5)      If use set “global” to the template name, what will it happens?
6)      What is global site definition means?
7)      ListTemplate gallery, webpart gallery, masterpage gallery are available at which scope level (means it is available only at site level or sub site level also).
8)      By using SharePoint object model, I am adding an item to the list. But list is not exists there, what error will get if run the above code?
9)      Tel me the deployment scope levels of webparts (means webparts can deploy at only site level or farm level and sub site level also?
10)   I made safe control entry for one webpart; I add that webpart to the webpartzone. Now I deleted safe control entry of that webpart, what error will get display while running the webpart in a page?
11)   How to attach event receivers to the document library?
12)   If you open .wsp file, what data contains inside in it?
13)   What is manifest.xml?
14)   How to update “modified” field values (here “modified” field are OOB fields, we can update values to OOB fields).
15)   In webpart life cycle, when the “EnSureChildControls” method will fire?
16)   Webpart life cycle?
17)   How many ways are there to deploy “features” to the site?
18)   Is it necessary to make “SafeControl” entry to the webparts?
19)   When it required to set the “Web.AllowUsafeUpdate=true”?
20)   Difference between set to “AllowUnsafeUpdate=true” for site or web?
21)   “Alternativemapping” means?

Written test:
1)      I don’t want to cache particular page? What is the approach to set it?
2)      Default identity of the application pool?
3)      How can you secure web service?
a.       Forms authentication
b.      Passport authentication
c.       Security token
4)      Which of the following is true if you want to set the session data in state server?
a.       Inprocess
b.      State server
c.       Sql server
d.      None of the above
5)      Isolation levels from lowest to highest?

1)      In connected web part, can have “provider webpart” and “consumer webpart” on different site pages?
2)      Content type ID of document content type?
3)      Can we use audience targeting functionality for security?
4)      Which site template is not available by default in moss?
a.       Wiki Site
b.      Team Site
c.       Blank Site
d.      Publishing Site
5)      To which lowest level the security is applied?
a.       List
b.      List item
c.       Web
d.      Site
e.      Web application
6)      SSP is set of services provided by moss which can be shared across?
a.       Collection web applications
b.      Collection of site collections
c.       Collection of farm level
7)      Which is default credentials used for search functionality?
a.       System account
b.      SharePoint administrator
c.       Network service
d.      Application pool credentials.
8)      Which extra features does one not get in “Enterprise” installation as compared to “Standard” installation?(Ans:- B)
a.       BDC, Excel, InfoPath, Search
b.      BDC, Excel
c.       BDC, InfoPath, Excel
d.      InfoPath, Excel, Search

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